Looking back 20 years from now. Preschool days, elementary days, highschool or even college.
We've met thousands of people already. Befriended a lot of them. Had close relationships with them at some point.
But pause right now. And count how many people left close to you now from those times. How many people are left? How many people you've known since preschool, elementary, highschool, or college is with you right now?
I bet they can all fit in your fingers. Say 10? Or even 20? So out of the thousand or hundred close relationships we've all had years back. We only have these people we are thinking now.
I tell you. Those people are worth keeping.
Its not the quantity of friends. Its all about the quality of friendship.
Some may say, we've all been busy. Went with different careers after school. But why do we still have these people right now? One thing- constant communication.
In a world where communication was made easy by technology. I dont think we have an excuse after all.
I myself am guilty of this. But oftentimes. I find myself randomly keeping in touch with some old friends. But when will I stop doing that? When will I be checked by most if not some of them?
How ironic it is that thru time. Technology has made its way in making it simpler or easier for us to communicate. But I guess its what draws us apart now.
Im getting tired of always reaching out to people. Always be the one to bridge the gap of distance, or of our busy schedule.
I want to cry. But i cant. I guess depression is slowly turning into anger.
So which one are you? The one who reaches out always or the one who receives the message?
Its time that I dont let people take advantage of how fragile I am now. Its time to move on and simply just stick with people who are with me. Thru thick and thin. Its hard to let go of memories. But I guess thats why they are called memories after all. Coz all you can di now is think about it. The past.
- Z
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