Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Are you going to throw that stone at me?

I've been wanting to blog about this post I saw in facebook about a month ago. The screen print has long been saved in my phone that I may constantly be reminded to share my thoughts about it.

It gets me thinking. I could not say anything bad to this pastor. For God said, that we should not go against His people- those who speak His word. Romans 13:2 "Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves".

I have not heard this pastors arguement about those with HIV/Aids. I might break down and might have evil thoughts. So its better if I should not hear them. But just based on this pastors statements. It saddens me. That God's servant is just so cruel in judging US. Yes. People with HIV.

No one should judge people just based on what they believe in. Only God can judge and can see the deeper meaning of whats happening in our lives.

I cant seem to find the words to write right now. Its just really sad to think that there are people out there wanting to kill us just because we have HIV. Just because we are not pure. I remember John 8:7 "When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her".

I have a cousin who is a pastor. We never really talk. We barely even acknowlegde each other. But what if he has the same views as this pastor? I will be broken hearted. The church is supposed to be a house for the sinners. A house for those who are down and weary. Those who needs help. If everyone in the church is righteous, then there is surely something wrong.

Jesus in choosing his disciples did not chose those who are highly recognized in the society. He chose fishermen, normal people, even tax collector, he dined with sinners and prostitute and shared the gospel with them. He did not come to those who praised themselves. He came to those who humbled themselves that they may be praised in the house of God.

I am a sinner. No matter how I avoid them everyday. I still sin. By thoughts, by actions. Thats what separates me from God. But God has given me Jesus. Who died in the cross for my all my sins. By His grace i am saved. And by faith I believe that I am saved by the blood of Christ.

Now tell me? If this pastor is really convicted about killing those gay people living with HIV. Let him be the first one to throw a stone at me if he himself have not sinned.


posted from Bloggeroid

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