I just got my CD4 count today. And I was overwhelmed with the results. Its 602. This is my first ever cd4 test and i am still not on ARVs since i was just diagnosed 12/04/2013. I was expecting it to fall below 350 to be honest. Praise God!
The CD4 count measures the number of CD4 cells in a sample of your blood drawn by a needle from a vein in your arm. Along with other tests, the CD4 count helps tell how strong your immune system is, indicates the stage of your HIV disease, guides treatment, and predicts how your disease may progress. Keeping your CD4 count high can reduce complications of HIV disease and extend your life.
As I was on my way to the hospital. I took the jeepney from my place since I was not really in a hurry after all. I was again conscious with my allergies. I was a little paranoid that people might be looking at it. But I couldn't care less. My mind was very preoccupied with what the results might be. I was already preparing myself for the worst thing that could happen. I was thinking it might be below 350 or worst below 100.
I arrived there after a few minutes. I went in the clinic and waited for my doctor. Dra. Grace was the one who gave me my results. She's the counterpart of Dr. Cham Agtuca. Before looking into those files. She was a bit concerned with how I look. She looked at my neck, face and arms. All having allergies. It was just over me. I didn't bother wearing any coat at all like i normally do since the weather was a bit humid. So everything was all visible. She then asked me when did it started. I told her it would normally be on and off. It would normally last for weeks. But this is by far the longest I have them in me. And by far the most numbered areas affected. Its just so horrible looking at it. I feel sorry for myself everytime i see myself in the mirror.
She told me to bring my lab results which i will still be doing tomorrow along with my cd4 count to Dra Mitzi Chua. She said all my results will be the basis of my treatment. As she was checking my results she was even surprised to see that my cd4 is high. Her assistant was shock as well as they were expecting it to be below 350 with how i look like. I remember what her assistant said "I thought its already urgent to take the medications (Arv) based on how you look like." Dra Grace added "this might be the start of it"
God moves mountains. He is PRESENT in everything when you think he is not. He is WORKING in ways you cannot see. He is doing the IMPOSSIBLE things for me. What I have been reading in the Bible about stories of Healing is still happening. It may be in a different way. But His Healing powers still exist. I claim that God is making ways for everything in His time. It was all by His Grace that my results turn out good.
Although HIV as we know it is very much unpredictable. Meaning, you can have 602 cd4 count today and have 100 by a few weeks. I just have to be very careful with everything I do. In everything I eat.
I still have a lot of lab test tomorrow. And I hope everything will turn out right as well.
I thank my friends for all their support and prayers. For me its not the things I do that makes me fight for my life. Its what they are showing me that makes me want to live longer. Its what they do that makes me fight for my life more. The time i told my college bestfriends. The time I told my VG leader. The time I told my childhood church friends. All those are reasons why I am still living. I know God is using them to make me strong. To make me hang on. I remember i was already giving up. But God revealed to me through them that there is more to life.
Praise be to God. He deserves all glory now and forever. Words could not contain how amazed i am with what He has done.
There is Hope! Lets start 2014 right. Email me at iamlivingbyfaith2013@yahoo.com.ph
Godbless You!