About a few days ago. I blogged about how insecure i was. And I guess I still am. Its been 2 days since I have not used any of my social media accounts. And to be honest, im having withdrawals. I have been hooked so long that going on with my life without it seems so hard.
So whats my reason in deactivating all my social media accounts? Both personal and pseudo worlds.
I want to live. I want to live outside the shadows of the screens that has kept me a prisoner for a while. And to be honest, its hard. you want to know why? Coz everyone else, or almost all are still prisoners to it. Its like im the only one out here in the free world. Waiting for everyone else to finally realize that what we all need is outside those social media trap we were all blinded to.
Breaking free from those walls im used to was so hard. But I know what I want. And that is to meet real people. To reconnect with old friends the traditional way. Like what ive said before, technology has made it all easy for us to communicate. But right now, it is whats drawing us apart.
In those 2 days that I have no access to my prison world. I've waited for some people to SMS, or call. or just hang old like the old times. It might be impossible for now. But Im praying that they too will soon realize that the life they are living now is a waste. Life is meant to be experienced. Not meant to just been seen. It is meant to be felt.
I am not saying that I will forever not use social media. But I think ill go back to it as soon as I learn how to control it. As soon as I figure out a way on how to deal with whats really out there.
I will continue to blog and give updates to those people who are reading this during their spare time. But to be honest. I want to communicate with them as well. Via Email. So lets talk, just like the old school times. Email me at iamlivingbyfaith2013@yahoo.com.ph