So last wednesday. Aside from my trip to the hospital. I got my CD4 results. From 602 (dec 2013) 345 (june 2014). And now im slowly going up. Current one is 361- as of Feb 2015. This was supposed to be taken last dec 2014. But if you were following my blog. You should know by now that DOH didnt provide any schedule of cd4 for the past few months.
Its something to be thankful for. After all. Everyday is a reason to be thankful.
But everyday is not easy. I went to hysterical again with all the drama in the world for the past few days. I could not take that back. Things happen. Shit has been said. Actions were done already. So if you ask me? I dont know WHY im always being an oxymoron about everything thats going on.
I guess its one of those days where i woke up in the wrong side of bed. It was terrible.
I still feel bad about it. For the things i said. For the things i did. But its up to them to widen their horizon of so called understanding a dying person.
I call myself a brat. Everything always has to be ME. Im becoming this egocentric and egoistic person i used to dread before. And i dont like it.
I have tried to keep all the anger. To just keep silent about it. Thinking that if I do it that way. I would be classy. I would look mature in handling things. But i was wrong. The anger ive been keeping for a while just errupted in just a snap. Just like that. Its not healthy.
I need to find a way to chanel my anger, my frustration, my depression. I need to have an activity where I can all let it all out when i needed to. Boxing? Yoga? I dont know. But hopefully being busy with the family business real soon will keep me out of another drama yet.
Another thing that bothers me aside from my allergies are my vision. Its getting worst. I dont know. Maybe i will really need to have this checked. Its getting blurry everyday.
I once borrowed my officemates glasses and tried it. And for some reason. Everything was crystal clear. It was the moment i self diagnosed and told myself that I needed to get checked and get glasses real soon.
My allergies are slowly and inconsistently going away. (In my arms at least). But i noticed it went back in my face just a few days ago. Still monitoring it for a few days since it might just be the stress thats causing it.
I know its gross. But this post would not be really an update if ill just be faking everything up.
So the picture above shows some little progress compared to the blog i posted with my arms picture a few months back.
Im not sure if you can tell but most part of my arms are only scars from previous allergy visitors that decided to stay and camp for a little while.
But my face is a little swollen with allergies now. Again. Maybe im just a little stress with all the drama for the past few days.
So I guess thats all for now.
And yes. Sadly. Im still alive to date.
- Z