Monday, August 22, 2016

Back after almost a year

So Its been almost 1 year since I last posted. And yes! Mind you, I'm not yet dead. One of my friends actually encouraged me to go back blogging again. I wouldn't really call it "a bloggers" life/website cos upto now, I honestly have little to no clue with how everything works in the world of blogging. But just for the heck of it. Here we go......

After November of last year where I was still in the middle of my quarterlife crisis battle. A lot has happened. I don't want to go month by month but I will try to sum it all up:

Last May, I got invited to attend this young entrepreneurial training camp. And I found myself accepting the challenge of finally accepting the role being prepared for me by my parents - to take over the family business. It was a tough choice I had to make. And now its finally sinking in that there's no turning back. 

In between the months of January - August, I was just at work. I still travel as much as I can and whenever I have the time to do so. So technically there's really nothing to blog about. Not that it was boring though but I guess during those times, I was just so caught up with work.

So on with my health. from 757 CD4 count a few months back. It dropped to 612 last month. It really got me worried cos admittedly there were multiple occasions where I would not take my meds on time. I guess after being on meds for so long, I'm getting tired of taking them already and I'm getting lazy to be adherent with the med schedule. I'm just hoping that I will again find the reason to go back with being OC in taking my meds on time. 

I actually just got back from a weekend trip with friends. And yes! Allow me to say this, with a special friend. I wouldn't really call it anything beyond that. But let's see how this goes. 

As we were travelling, we would often pass by small towns along the way, and I would appreciate how simple their life is. 

As I sit inside the van, I was reminded of how privileged I am. I was humbled AGAIN by the experience. 

I will try to blog more often. 
